During this Easter Season, I’ve noticed a severe shift in society a radical shift with a kind of darkness that I’ve never seen before. It is a kind of darkness that would put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame. Whatever morals were left in today’s world, most folks have kicked them aside and unknowing to themselves, they have created a society that will never obtain the peace, the rest and the contentment their hearts and souls so desperately seek. Pleasure for a moment yes, fun and games all day, all adventurous but one day will be payday. Then what will they do?

This Easter Season please hear my cry. There is one who loves you and is now standing by your side, willing and able to set you free, free from the bondage of your bad choices and sin’s debris. This Easter season like never before, the shift is clear, it is not hiding in the bushes or in the background, it is here, in your face. It is a darkness that is stopping people in their tracks and keeping them in all kinds of captivity and behind invisible bars.

This darkness is coming out of a cloaked and defiled society where their view of things is twisted. What used to be right is now viewed as wrong and what use to be wrong is now viewed as right. This darkness is coming out of an attitude and mindset of disrespect, disobedience and rejection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Jesus is the light of the world and the reason for this holiest season of the year.

This darkness is continuing to hover like a black cloud over the lives of so many precious people. This morbid darkness should be a clarion call for all of us to honestly examine our hearts, our lifestyles, our purpose in life and commit or recommit our lives to Jesus, especially during this Easter Season of 2022, which should be a constant reminder of the death, burial and resurrection of our beloved Jesus.

Therefore, during this Easter Season like never before I want to urge you to please pause a moment and take a good look around you. Watch a few News programs, and think about what is going on in the world today. If you could see today’s society through spiritual eyes, you would clearly see the handwriting is on the wall.

Like a throwback to Biblical times when Jesus was disrespected, overlooked and rejected even by the religious leaders of that time the same is occurring today. I’m sure that it must have been heartbreaking for Jesus as He stood in their presence-day in and day out sharing the good news and the religious leaders of that day were so full of themselves and the written law that they were blinded to the truth and failed to see the fulfillment of the law right in front of their eyes.

Fast forward to today, people have not changed. Many still can’t or just refuse to see the truth about the one who is the real reason for this unique holy season. Jesus is still in many ways being treated and viewed as an outcast in the world that He has created.

Jesus could make a way out of no way. He could pull us out of this darkness and bring us into His marvelous light. Unfortunately, today’s crowd has voluntarily and deliberately pushed this precious Jesus out of mainstream society, and surely out of the hearts and minds of so many people.

This Easter try not to focus so much on the candy, the bunny rabbit, the Easter egg hunt, the pretty clothes, or even going to church just to be going to church, instead try to set aside some time and get in a quiet place, get still and try to listen to that still soft voice that talks a lot but most of the time we are just too busy to listen. This Easter season please try to listen and take to heart what God is saying to His children. Take this day and know that it is a ticking clock that is bringing us closer and closer each day to His return that no one knows but the Father. Therefore we must be ready.

Because tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Today, this hour this moment, this second is all that we have and even that can be taken away from us in a moment or in the twinkling of an eye. Therefore, this Easter, this Resurrection Sunday please take this day to stop, give reverence and remember Jesus the real reason for the season and honor and acknowledge Him for giving His life so that we can have our life more abundantly “this Easter Season” and for all eternity. Amen! Selah!

Supporting Scripture:

John 8:12 KJV:
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Supportive Poem:

I AM The Light of the World

by Deborah Ann Belka

Jesus is the Light of the world,
the darkness it out shines . . .
disclosing the evil thoughts
of our hearts, souls and minds.

His light is heart revealing,
to believers or not . . .
His light unmasks the sin
that for man He bought.

His light is soul divulging,
in the darkness it glows
His light is discovering
all wickedness it shows.

His light is illuminating,
it reflects the things hidden
His light is mind piercing
it sees all who are sin driven.

Jesus is the Light of the world,
for all who believe . . .
that He came so everyone
salvation can receive!

Beloved, If you want to develop a personal relationship with this Jesus or rededicate your life to Him, please read and embrace the scripture below, then repeat the brief prayer under the scripture

Scripture: Romans 10:9-10 KJV:

  • That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
  • For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

Brief prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead. I now repent of my sins and ask that you come into my life and save me, creating the vessel you desire for me to be in Jesus’s name, Amen!

Beloved, if you have just said the above prayer. I want to welcome you into the Family of God and send you some free material to help you in your faith walk, so please email me immediately at [email protected], to share your life-changing decision that will last for all eternity.