There is a word that can vividly describe a moment like nothing else can. It is the vibrant brush that paints and tells the story in its full range of pain, agony or glory. When this word is used and the occurrences begins, nothing else can take its place. It is over whelming, spontaneous, captivating, and fierce. For when the word “suddenly” is used, it is used to describe the unplanned, unscripted and immediate raw actions or happenings of that select unforeseen moment in time that seems to appear out of nowhere then afterwards, frozen in silence and standing still.

In good times and bad times when things happen that seems to just take your breath away. and at other times allows the spirit of breath to flow freely back into your chest. That word, that word, oh my God that awesome word; “Suddenly” creates chills up and down ones’ spine. “suddenly” can separate safety, peace and calm from the world of danger and harm without any prior knowledge and without a chart or a plan that unpredictable word “suddenly” now takes control. It is life coming at you unexpectedly at its worst and yes, many times at its best also. “Suddenly” usually brings with it life’s altering circumstances, good or bad that in many cases can’t be reverse. But leaves behind a life time of memories of “would a” “could a” “should a” things that you know that you should have done or need to do. Because this word gives you no time to mend, prepare, fix or to morn all of the obvious wrongs. When it comes in the form of a “job lost”, broken relationships, “a death in the family”, an accident or even a pleasant surprise, like an unexpected gift, “an unexpected check in the mail”, “a surprise birth”. or “a large inheritance” It usually leaves you standing numb and speechless, wondering what out of the blue thing is going to happen next.

Most of the dictionaries that I’ve looked at in my search for the definition for “suddenly” uses the following words to describe it’s meaning: “quickly, and without warning”, “unexpectedly”. This word “suddenly” is sometimes like a prelude to describe a life changing incident, action or occurrence that will usher you crying, kicking and screaming or laughing and shouting with joy into a new chapter of your life and more.

Truth is, it is not the word “suddenly” that takes over the scene and stops you in your tracks. It is the horror or the delight that comes after that word “suddenly” that creates the show and motivates some people to repent and others simply standing there, wanting to steal the show. Because “suddenly” is an instant and time is a wall that regrets can’t climb and wishes all fall.

Supporting Scripture:

Proverbs 29:1 KJV
He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

Supportive Poem:


by Darla Evans

All it takes is a moment
for things to change
but you can’t change moments
that have already passed.
The moments you are looking for
are the unexpected beautiful moments
that are on their way.

Beloved, If you want to develop a personal relationship with this Jesus or rededicate your life to Him, please read and embrace the scripture below, then repeat the brief prayer under the scripture

Scripture: Romans 10:9-10 KJV:

  • That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
  • For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

Brief prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead. I now repent of my sins and ask that you come into my life and save me, creating the vessel you desire for me to be in Jesus’s name, Amen!

Beloved, if you have just said the above prayer. I want to welcome you into the Family of God and send you some free material to help you in your faith walk, so please email me immediately at [email protected], to share your life-changing decision that will last for all eternity.