Today I want to speak to you candidly about a growing crisis that has gripped our country like an evasive cancer. It seems as if the devil himself has unleashed this dreadful, foul plague upon mankind as he stands and watches from afar. While we willfully, selfishly and inhumanely destroy, kill and tear each other apart in a storm of confusion. Many times, the crisis aftermath may result in injury to ourselves in the process for little to no reason at all, just for the color of one’s skin, our religious beliefs, our political choice or even the zip code that one may live in.

I want to make myself clear here; I’m not talking about the Coronavirus. I’m talking about the corrosive, divisive and ever-increasing cancer of hate, immorality, selfishness, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness and intolerance toward a person or a group of people that may be conceived as different in a negative way for whatever the reason. Some may view others as inferior, unworthy or being the cause or reason for an illness or a problem that they or the world are facing. Some may view others as a threat or possibility of taking something that rightfully belongs to them or their friends and love ones; like a job, housing or some government assistance and support that should go to them and their family etc. This evil crisis and plague have taken root literately and figuratively and is tearing this country apart.

My friend this crisis has slowly and intentionally infiltrated and weaved its way into the fabric of our society and is growing and not going away. This sickening cancer that is eating away at our foundation, leaving rotten seeds of distrust, division and destruction that we haven’t seen in many decades. It has been lying dormant for so long but for the last four years, it has surfaced and mushroomed into outright blatant dangerous actions of hatred, disrespect intolerance and even Brutal Killings.

This ungodly mindset, social atmosphere and environment have separated friends and families alike and is trying to set America back some fifty to seventy years or more when segregation was the thing and Jim crow wanted more.

Every day it is as if we are living a nightmare in a giant black hole of division that fosters contempt, destruction, mistrust, hatred and lies that eats away at our core values to destroy our wholesome lives.

It is a path my friend if not checked, will ultimately bring our democracy to its knees. Today’s society with its lack of moral conscience and its consequences has produced people that live in the moment with an attitude and lifestyle with no limits that will try to ultimately destroy God’s way of life for His people. They live as if all things that are good, wholesome and healthy should be dismantled and left behind. This country has left God and His principles out of its daily life equation and in order to correct the situation and reverse the crisis we as a people must do what God requires us to do, invite Him in as stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIVif my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Scripture to stand on:

Mark3:25 NIV:
If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Psalm 127:1 NIV:
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

Matthew 6:33 KJV:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Supportive Poem:

God First

by Deborah Ann Belka

Whenever I seek God first,
I cannot believe my eyes
the first thing I can see . . .
is right though Satan’s lies.
When I put God’s kingdom,
straight ahead of me
it open’s up my heart . . . .
to the way I ought to be.

Whenever I put God first,
I gain spiritual insight . . .
everything looks different
in the newness of His light.

Making His righteousness,
in my life a priority . . .
help me to live a life
with meekness and modesty.

When I seek God first,
I see things differently
when I first put God . . .
all things look heavenly!

Beloved, If you want to develop a personal relationship with this Jesus or rededicate your life to Him, please read and embrace the scripture below, then repeat the brief prayer under the scripture

Scripture: Romans 10:9-10 KJV:

  • That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
  • For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

Brief prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead. I now repent of my sins and ask that you come into my life and save me, creating the vessel you desire for me to be in Jesus’s name, Amen!

Beloved, if you have just said the above prayer. I want to welcome you into the Family of God and send you some free material to help you in your faith walk, so please email me immediately at [email protected], to share your life-changing decision that will last for all eternity.