Today my friend like never before, there may come before you many open doors that may seem like blessings or opportunities. Some seemingly are just too good to be true. Well in many cases that assumption nine times out of ten usually is exactly that, not true. More than ever, we must be diligent everywhere we go. We must judge the spirit-by the-spirit, discerning the days and the times in which we live as to where to go, what activities to do, when to do them and especially who to do them with. Because every open door isn’t meant for you to walk through.

One miss judgement of a situation or the character of a person in a civil, business or personal matter could be life changing or even death. Because there are so many charlatans, imposters, hypocrites and habitual liars in our society today one could easily be deceived. Just like that proverbial phase; “wolves in sheep clothing”, many are out there hiding in plain sight, in Cognito. Some are really in essence the walking dead (folks who are spiritually dead but physically still standing). These people are void of natural human feelings, responses, concerns and thought life.

There are people who wear mask with hidden agendas and live double lives. They walk, talk, dress, look, and fit in well within your social circle just to gain your trust and shortly thereafter you may find yourself in full regret mode. All because door number one looked so promising and inviting. Many “open doors” may come in the form of a future spouse, a future employer, friend, baby sitter, counselor or even a pastor, or a financial investment. You get the picture?

My prayer is that when these alluring doors of potential blessings and opportunities open up, that you would just take a moment, take a deep breathe and remember to ask God for wisdom and guidance. Because that open door may not be God’s planned route for you.

I pray that God would open your eyes of understanding for you to see the truth so that you won’t walk through an open door until God gives you the green light, preventing you from making a mistake that would lead to harm or regret.

Therefore, if you ever sense an uncomfortable feeling in your spirit concerning such an opportunity, just stop moving forward, be still and allow Jesus to order your steps to higher and safer grounds into His arms of wisdom and safety.

Scriptures to stand on:

Psalm 37:23 KJV:
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

Supportive Poem:

Order My Steps

by Helen Swift

Keep me on course, Dear Lord
Because there are so many choices to choose
One says go this way or to go that way
So it’s easy to get confused
We have such good intentions
When we give our opinions to man
Yet sometimes we’re misguided
If we don’t know your ultimate plan
So please order my steps, Dear Lord
Help me not to make so many mistakes
You created me with a divine purpose and plan
Now, show me the path I must take

Beloved, If you want to develop a personal relationship with this Jesus or rededicate your life to Him, please read and embrace the scripture below, then repeat the brief prayer under the scripture

Scripture: Romans 10:9-10 KJV:

  • That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
  • For with the heart, man believeth unto righteousness; with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.

Brief prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and was raised from the dead. I now repent of my sins and ask that you come into my life and save me, creating the vessel you desire for me to be in Jesus’s name, Amen!

Beloved, if you have just said the above prayer. I want to welcome you into the Family of God and send you some free material to help you in your faith walk, so please email me immediately at [email protected], to share your life-changing decision that will last for all eternity.