Greetings! My name is Bobigene Pack. Please allow me to extend my deepest and warmest welcome to you and thank you for stopping by. I want to briefly share a few things about myself; I am the Founder of Love in Action Outreach Ministries, a Faith Base Nonprofit Organization. I am passionate about encouraging and helping people. I am a mother, and I love writing poems.

As a child, my mother made it a mandate that every Sunday morning and every Wednesday evening we had to go to church service. Going to church and serving Jesus was a way of life for Mom. You could see and feel the genuine love and joy she felt whenever she talked about Jesus and how He would make everything all right no matter what it was. Because of Mom’s “mandate,” I knew of this Jesus, but I really did not know him personally. It was after I became an adult and the storms of life started beating upon my door when this Jesus my Mom spoke of became real to me, and that’s when my reverence, passion, and love of Jesus emerged.

My faith and love for Jesus were birthed out of a miraculous triumph over insurmountable odds – enduring through years of continuous abuse and rejection in two abusive marriages; the last one resulting in abandonment, and the potential loss of everything, including the family home and a family-owned and operated Assisted Living business.

Weak, congested, and unsteady on my feet, I went to the doctor’s office one day and was diagnosed with a severe sinus infection and bronchitis. I was given instructions to go home, take my prescribed medicine, drink lots of fluids, and rest. However, I later found that getting rest was going to be impossible for me. While I was at the doctor’s office my husband left a note saying that it was over, and he was leaving . . . I had no choice, sick or not, to hit the ground running and carry on. Once back at the facility, a miracle took place. I literally felt something like mild electricity entering my body, quickening me, giving me strength; while at the same time my sinus and bronchitis symptoms went away completely, almost immediately.

Amazingly, it was during my husband’s absence from my life, home, and the family business that I started seeing and experiencing many more miracles. I saw firsthand Jesus’ goodness, mercy, grace, and His divine protection, and I felt the moving of Jesus directing my every step: opening doors that were closed and closing doors that were open. Going before me and touching hearts and giving favor, making a way out of no way. I could go into more detail, but that is for a future time. Today, this is just to let you know that Jesus is real, and His Word is true. He will never forsake you. He will always be with you when others forsake you and walk away. Jesus will step in. He will help you pick up the pieces and give you strength and a new beginning. He did just that for me and I know that He will do that same for you as well. Why? Because Jesus loves you unconditionally, and He came to set us free from bondage, no matter what the bondage may be.