I am so happy that you were guided here today. Whatever the reason for visiting, I’m sure that you will be inspired and encouraged. Therefore, I would like to graciously invite you to relax, stay awhile, and experience the various reflections of Jesus.

On this site, I want you to feel a genuine sense of unconditional love, acceptance, and peace. A peace that I hope will surround you and comfort you like a child’s security blanket. As you navigate the site, I pray that the spirit of the living Jesus will touch your heart in a life-changing way. And when leaving the site; My prayer is that you will be filled with great expectations for a brighter future, renewed faith, and hope for the fulfillment of your purpose, blessed with God’s continuous guidance and provisions.

If it is, say so!

If you and others have noticed a positive change in your life, by you not wanting to say or do the old self-destructive things that you use to say and do, why don’t you just thank and honor Jesus and say so. If Jesus has made an

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“Patience is a venture that’s “what many folks may say. But I’m sure that they are not the ones that have to stand in line for hours to get anything done, or wait on hold seemingly all day just to get a question answered or to pay

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Spiritual Principles

It amazes me that many folks are so quick to call themselves “Christians” without even having evidence, actions or lifestyle to support their statements. Many Christians seemingly doesn’t think that their actions and what they say seriously matters. However, that’s where God’s foundational spiritual principles come into

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Just Do It!!

When God speaks to your heart and give you an assignment. Please don’t stop and try to reason or figure it out. How in the world is all of it going to come together and work out. Don’t try to see things being accomplished in and through

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It is not the calling…It is the choice

To be a chosen vessel for Jesus is a blessing beyond words. But in the end my friend, it is not the calling, it is the choice” that conquers and wins. For many are called tis true, but few accepts the call and follow through. Therefore, when

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Playing Church

As a child my sister, a few of the neighborhood kids, and I would frequently gather in our back yard and we would play “Church”. One person would be the preacher, a few would be the Choir and one person would be the Usher etc. It was

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Love is always in season

Last month the nation celebrated Valentine’s Day with waiting hearts bursting at the seams just wanting to say in such a deep sincere personal way to that very special someone that “they are loved, adored and treasured” on this one special day of the year. But God’s

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The God kind of Love 14

The month of February acknowledges and celebrates several special dates and occasions. But one of the most popular, warm hearted and touching one is the annual “Valentine’s Day”. That acknowledges and spotlights the love that one may feel for that special person in their life. This kind

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A New Thing

For some 2023 was one of the best years that they may have ever experienced. Yet for countless others it may have been just the opposite. To many, it may not have only been a difficult year. But, it may have been one of the worst that

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Why Jesus

Jesus said in the Gospel of John: 14: 6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me” KJV. If I would just leave the above reason alone that would answer the question, “Why Jesus”. But I have

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