I am so happy that you were guided here today. Whatever the reason for visiting, I’m sure that you will be inspired and encouraged. Therefore, I would like to graciously invite you to relax, stay awhile, and experience the various reflections of Jesus.

On this site, I want you to feel a genuine sense of unconditional love, acceptance, and peace. A peace that I hope will surround you and comfort you like a child’s security blanket. As you navigate the site, I pray that the spirit of the living Jesus will touch your heart in a life-changing way. And when leaving the site; My prayer is that you will be filled with great expectations for a brighter future, renewed faith, and hope for the fulfillment of your purpose, blessed with God’s continuous guidance and provisions.


One of the nine fruits of the spirit, Patience is the one that is most difficult and hardest to obtain and to maintain. It requires and demands a continuation of dying to self and calling all of your inner strength, ability and attention to focus, wait and

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Less of Me and more of Him

Beloved, please know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. If you have given your life to the Lord, you are not your own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). please know that the spirit of the living God dwells within you and for His spirit to

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A New Year and a New Season

Greetings Beloved with warmhearted wishes for a very happy and prosperous “New Year” and a fruitful new season. The book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Well, thank God 2021 is gone and

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Remember the Reason for the Season

December is here and Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas carols are in the air and holiday shoppers and seasonal decorations are everywhere. Soon there will be Santa perched on his annual throne being featured in every commercial mall and retail zone. With his rosy flush

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Open door uncertain access

Today my friend like never before, there may come before you many open doors that may seem like blessings or opportunities. Some seemingly are just too good to be true. Well in many cases that assumption nine times out of ten usually is exactly that, not true.

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In 1967 The queen of soul Aretha Franklin remade the former Otis Redding 1965 recording of the song “Respect” into a smash hit and one might say into a “movement”. Interesting enough, the essence and true meaning of the word “Respect” was not lived out nor magnified

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Obtaining Inner Peace

One of today’s continuous hunger and most elusive search is for that all-consuming, mind quieting and soul resting inner peace. The atmosphere of Inner peace is a state of being that will put at ease the troubles of today and banishes the demons of yesterday that visit

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The Call of Faith

This is one of several of my poems where I was able to see a new beginning. The light at the end of the tunnel was getting closer, but the experiences I had prior to being able to see a breakthrough will always stay with me, especially

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The Treasure Within

There is a saying that states: “give your time, talent and treasure”. The treasure spoken of in this quote is not found within a person, nor does it have any eternal value. Unlike the true treasure that resides within every true believer, the treasure in the statement

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Unconditional Love

Because the average mother’s love is very strong, protective and much more, these qualities have given birth to an old saying that a “mother’s love is like Jesus’ love or an unconditional love”. Yes, in some ways that statement may be similar but far from true. A

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