Never Underestimate the power of God’s Love

John 3:16 is a scripture that is very familiar to most Christians. They know it and can quickly recite it, or quote it quicker than you can ask them to say it. But I wonder how many ever really think about the depths, length, heights and “power

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Perilous Times

The Bible says “that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2nd Timothy 3:1). “News Flash”! Hope this doesn’t come as a surprise my friend, but we are already there. Yes, we are already living in an outrageous, dark, never seen before evil, inhumane, fierce, demonic,

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Whatever you give you shall receive

As a child my mother use to constantly remind me to be kind and respectful to all people regardless. Because whatever you do, bad or good, will surely come back to you, she would say. So, with a mothers warning she would carefully and cautiously say to

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Who is Jesus?

Many have asked, many have wondered “who is this Jesus”, that many referred to as “God, Savior and Lord”. Who is He? Many lonely, hopeless, despairing hearts want to know. Well for starters, my friend, I’m sure that He is many things to many people. To some

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I am frequently reminded of the “twizzlers” commercial, wherein this seemingly average looking middle aged gentleman who was calmly sitting alone pondering over a simple, almost laughable subject. As “why he couldn’t wear white after Labor Day”? I know, to some that may have been a trivial

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Timeless Truth and Guidance

Beloved, we live in a day and age where we sometimes experience knee-dropping challenges, unforeseen, sudden incidents, personal, family, or business problems, and trouble that could come at us through the speed of Life. When that happens, we should stand on timeless truth that will strengthen us

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Love covers all

1st Peter, chapter 4:8 is the “red carpet” of truth, which states: Love covers a multitude of sins. Another Bible version says. For love makes up for many of your faults. Any situation, or circumstances seen through the eyes of love will immediately experience a change. For

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Don’t worry, it’s going to be alright

When life seems cluttered and too much to bear. When your daily life seems to be squeezing every ounce of your breathing air. When your days and nights seem like none before but more like beast of burdens camped out at your door. “Don’t worry, it’s going

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Yes, You Can

Hello my friend and thank you so much for stopping by. I just want to take a few moments to speak a word of encouragement to some of you who are experiencing reoccurring negative, debasing and destructive thoughts. I encourage you to stand strong and refuse to

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Birth Pains

Greetings beloved! Thank you so very much for stopping by today. I would like to share something very important that I feel that a lot of folks are thinking about but really don’t know how to process it or put their thoughts and feelings into prospective. Therefore,

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