If God Promised it, it will surely come to pass

Hallelujah! 2022 is gone! A new day, a new year with new opportunities is here. Old things are passed away and new beginnings are knocking at your door. But what is more thrilling and important are the whispers the dreams, the visions, the plans, the prophecy that

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Your Word

There once was a time when property was purchased and contracts were sealed with only a hand shake and a person’s “word”. Those days are long gone. Those Were the days and times of trust, integrity and honesty. Those were times when a person’s “word” meant something.

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Just Say It

There was a mature lady working behind a counter in a busy membership type store with a rather odd hair color for a lady of her age. However, the outfit, and the matching glasses she wore along with the complementing hair style, together with that rather odd

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Be Faithful

Life is sometimes so unfair and cruel. It makes you just want to give up and throw in the towel. But listen carefully my friend, that should never be an option or a thought that you should allow or want to entertain. Because my mom use to

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Be the Answer

Jesus is no longer physically walking the face of the earth. However, His spiritual presence is always near. He is still accomplishing His plans and purpose on the earth in and through His faithful and obedient vessels. Because they are willing to “be the answer”, to fulfil

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He Knows

Greetings and thank you so very much for stopping by to visit today. As usual I ask the Lord to guide me with each message that I give. Simply because “He Knows” what we need as well as when we need it. “He is all knowing”, “all

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There is a word that can vividly describe a moment like nothing else can. It is the vibrant brush that paints and tells the story in its full range of pain, agony or glory. When this word is used and the occurrences begins, nothing else can take

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See Him

Hello again and thank you so very much for stopping by. Today, I sense an urgency a “clarion” call” to make Jesus known to this world that is growing darker and darker each and every day. That the people of the world would be able to “see

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Beyond Grateful

How can I express what I feel inside when I think of Jesus, who He is and what He has done for me? He has brought me through many of life’s storms and battles to give me the victory and freedom to be whatever He desires me

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This Easter Season

During this Easter Season, I’ve noticed a severe shift in society a radical shift with a kind of darkness that I’ve never seen before. It is a kind of darkness that would put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame. Whatever morals were left in today’s world, most folks

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